The Tigers held another successful Long Luncheon with over 300 people in attendance at the Woden Southern Cross Club. It was an excellent day with Guest Speaker Max Walker providing a wonderful insight into his sporing career spanning his days with AFL Club Melbourne and then as an Australian cricketer.
2013 Long Lunch and VV Day 289-600
2013 Long Lunch and VV Day 322-600
Entertainer Phil Cass lightened up the room with an outstanding display of magical mystery. He had the room stunned with an incredible array of tricks that mesmerised those in attendance.
The afternoon was the 19th occasion the Tigers have held the Long Luncheon with the Southern Cross Woden Club providing an excellent venue . The staff and management of the Southern Cross Club were outstanding particularly early in the day with a few last minute arrangements being required .
This years Long Luncheon was sponsored by Canberra Data Centre, Rovera Scaffolding and Numbers Partnership.

Long Luncheon sponsored by Canberra Data Centre, Rovera Scaffolding and Numbers Partnership
Our thanks and great appreciation to those event sponsors and to all who contributed – In particular the following:
Carlton & United, ActewAGL, Biersdorf, Canberra Trophy Centre, Carlton Football Club, Capitol Chilled Foods Australia, GWS GIANTS, Harvey Norman Commercial, Jack Daniels, Mart Delicatessen, All About Vending, Tobin Brothers, Matt and Wendy Napier, Mick and Sandra Palmer, Southern Cross TEN, Sportsman’s Warehouse and the Vietnam Veterans.
A special thanks to ABC Radio Sports presenter Tim Gavel for his excellent presentation as MC of the function – this being the 5th occasion he has provided his services to the event. Auctioneer Peter Keeley from LUTON Real Estate once again attracted plenty of bidders for the auction items.
To those who assisted with the raffle – thank you sincerely. This included our ladies on the Bright table – in particular Di McGinley, Jill and Nicole Bright, Judy Mustard and Lyn McKenzie plus Karen, Erin and Lauren Daniel. A special mention to Lyn McKenzie for her assistance with the auction.
To those players and coaches in attendance thankyou for your assistance prior to the event and then on the day with the raffle and auction.
The function promoted our new Community Partner in the Vietnam Veterans and Veterans Foundation. On show throughout the afternoon was the Tigers one off camouflage jumper of which the NEAFL team wore over the weekend against the Magpies.
In addition a display of the In Service Medal collection and appropriate memorabilia was available – with further information available from the following website
Thanks to Tony Fischetti for his contribution and assistance throughout the promotion of the Vietnam Veterans Community Partnership.
2014 with be the 20th Tigers Long Luncheon – Something Special is in the pipeline to celebrate two decades of this event – We look forward to your support next year.