The Tigers renovations to the grandstand change room facility at Dairy Farmers Park is well underway with an enormous amount of volunteer work paving the way for what will be an excellent facility in time for the commencement of the 2014 Season.
All areas under the actual grandstand are being renovated in addition to new change rooms being provided for opposition teams.
The expected completion date for construction is the end of February with former players Peter Bowyer and Dennis Quade of BLOC Construction managing the entire project.
Committee person Matt Napier and wife Wendy have been instrumental with much of the volunteer work organising working bees to assist with construction along with putting an enormous amount of their own personal time into the project.
So far the following volunteers have assisted: Tim Shea, Kieren Shea, Stephen Camp, Alec McCormick, Kaine Stevens, Elie Maatouk, Toby Conroy, Luke Thompson, Sam Jensen, Peter Jensen, Ray Daniel Kade Klemke, Ben King, Scott Lancaster, Sam Adams, Josh Bryce, Will Griggs, Nick Hull, Daniel Pauletto, Judy Mustard and Di McGinley.










Coates Hire in Fyshwick has been very generous with the supply of machinery. Many former players and current supporters are also assisting with Frank Palombi and Frank Barbaro being prominent on site with their respective companies.
The Queanbeyan City Council has also been active at the ground with a makeover of the playing surface including turfing of the centre area and topdressing of the entire ground.
New seating for the grandstand is also included in the upgrade – the seats being obtained from the recent upgrade of the Manuka Oval redevelopment.
The project is being funded by way of grants from the Queanbeyan City Council, the Tigers Junior and Senior Tigers Organisations and from AFL Development Facilities Funding.