The dust hasn’t settled on the 2018 season however the Tigers are keen to keep building on the success of the female programs by
announcing the dates for the 2nd year of the Hannah Dunn Academy.
With the tigers fielding two successful women’s grades for the first time in 2018 plus the strength coming through the junior ranks, this program has again been set up as to assist with skill and games sense development for female players.
The Academy is open TO ALL PLAYERS from 15+ and it is available to all players from beginners to experienced. The program is set up so that each player gets the chance to build and keep improving at the required pace. So if you are new you will be OK to give it a go for sure!
All players will be exposed to some excellent coaching and support during the program.
Players who would like to attend the program will need to register their interest so that a database can be established for future important emails like potential training cancellations etc.
Please send through your acceptance to the program to stating:
We look forward to seeing plenty of registrations!!