LEGENDS Team Named

Tigers 100 Club Legends from left – Doug Daniel, James Black, Bob Griffin and Mal Wheeler.
A feature commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Tigers 100 Club was the announcement of a LEGENDS Team picked from players who have played 100 1st Grade games with the Club.
Current Captain Ryan Quade had the privilege of announcing the team in front of 150 guests.
The LEGENDS Team was picked by former selectors Bob Gibbs, Bob Griffin, Paul Walshe, Ron Fowlie and former Chairman Geoff Gosling.
Other former players / officials were consulted during the selection process.
Full Back Line
Bob Griffin 151 Games ACT Rep Captain (1 year)
Michael Goiser 243 Games ACT Rep – Club Captain Best & Fairest Captain (4 Years) Keith Schow 119 Games ACT Rep Best & Fairest Played for Collingwood Captain Coach (3 years)
Half Back Line
Doug Daniel 238 Games ACT Rep
Roy Williams 143 Games ACT Rep Best & Fairest Played for CollingwoodAlan Imrie 182 Games ACT Rep
Jeff Gilbert 190 Games ACT Rep Best & Fairest (2) Club Captain (3 years) Sydney Swans Rookie
Jason Gilbert 242 Games ACT Rep Best & Fairest (3) Club Captain (3 years)Steve Vizy 223 Games ACT Rep Mulrooney Medalist Sought after by North Melbourne Captain (1 Year)
Half Forward Line
Robert Anderson 229 Games ACT Rep Played for Footscray Captain (2 years)
Mark Armstrong 323 Games ACT Rep Player / Coach Rookie Sydney Swans Best & Fairest (3) All Australian Country Captain (2 years) Coach (9 Years) Club / League Leading Goal kickerMal Wheeler 103 Games ACT Rep Best & Fairest 100 Goals aged 18
Full Forward Line
James Kavanagh 103 Games ACT Rep All Australian Country (VC) Club / League Leading Goal kicker
Michael Niesen 169 Games ACT rep Club / League Leading Goal kickerMitch Daniher 131 Games* ACT Rep Best & Fairest (3) Duel Mulrooney Medallist
Ian Bowyer 128 Games ACT Rep Best & Fairest
Tony Wynd 347 Games ACT Rep Best & Fairest (5) Captain (9 Years) Mulrooney Medalist (4)James Black 191 Games ACT Rep Best & Fairest (4) Captain (2 years) Coach (1 Year)
John Lysewycz 143 Games* ACT Rep Best & Fairest (2) Captain (1 year)
John Wheeler 136 Games ACT Rep
Allan Mapleson 114 Games ACT Rep
Jack McNamara Games Unknown (Est over 200) ACT Rep Best & Fairest (4) Captain (4 years)
Alan Muir 225 Games ACT Rep
Ron Hopkins 144 Games ACT Rep Club / League Leading Goal kicker
Ryan Quade 170 Games* ACT Rep / NEAFL Rep Best & Fairest Captain (6 years)* Still Playing
Coaching Appointments
Floyd Primmer (Assistant Coach)
1935, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1952 Triple Premierships – 1939, 1940, 1941 Grand Final – 1938, 1952 Coaching Career covers an 18 year period. Captain Coach 1938,1939,1940 6 Grand Finals for 3 Premierships (includes drawn GF and replay – 1939)
Brian Quade (Coach)1984 to 1993 inclusive Premierships – 1985,1988,1989,1991 Grand Finals – 1986,1987,1990,1992 Coaching Career covers 10 year period 8 Grand Finals for 4 Premierships
Team ManagementNoel Miller 1977 to 2012 Inclusive

Members of the 100 Club Legends Team.