The Queanbeyan Tigers Australian Football Club Inc (QTAFC) Annual General Meeting will be held at 6.30pm on Thursday, 6 July 2017 in the changerooms at Allinsure Park.
QTAFC Inc is a separate body to the Licensed Club who held their AGM on 3 June 2017.
Call for nominations for the Football Management Committee
At the AGM the following positions on the Football Management Committee will be elected: President/Chairman, Vice President/Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Committee Member (4-6).
Nominations for Committee positions close on 29 June 2017 and will be notified prior to the AGM.
To be eligible to stand for election, or to vote at the AGM, you must be: a) a registered player having paid 2017 registration fees; or b) a 2017 Growler Member having paid for membership; or c) a life member of QTAFC Inc; or d) a financial member of QTAFC Inc.
Committee Nomination and Membership application forms can be obtained by contacting the Football Administration Office on 6299 3467 or Email:
Following is the list of nominees for Committee positions following the close of the nomination period:
Chairperson: Ron Fowlie
Vice Chairperson: Col Imrie
Treasurer: Greg George
Secretary: Carly Res
Committee Member: Mark Armstrong, Wal Gisik, Lisa Bush, Scott Minchin, Ryan Quade, Hayden Kelly
It should be noted that in accordance with a Special Resolution passed in November 2011, but not acted upon to date, the number of members of the Football Management Committee is being increased from 8 to 10. Thus, given the above nominations, no election is required at this year’s AGM.