The unfortunate passing of long serving volunteer Ray Daniel last October from a massive heart attack has prompted the Tigers Club to acquire a defibrillator for Allinsure Park and for the device to travel with the team equipment to away games.
By way of a generous donation by long serving volunteer and committee-person Lisa Bush and a fundraising campaign by the Tigers Under 18 Grade team, the defibrillator was acquired this week and will be stationed in the confines of the home rooms and easily accessible if required for any emergency.

Opposing teams will be notified by way of correspondence and a notice in the away rooms that this device as available.
The club extends its appreciation to Lisa and to the Under 18 Playing and Coaching Group for the donation to purchase the defibrillator. The Club also forwards its warm wishes for a speedy recovery to Lisa who unfortunately has taken ill and in hospital now.
The contribution by the Under 18 age group continues their Community Activity Campaign which included a visit last year to HOME in Queanbeyan – a residential complex for those who are homeless and with a Mental Illness. They spent many hours gardening the complex and assisting in other areas.
This year they have already contributed substantially to the Tathra Bushfire Appeal (through former Tathra resident and senior grade player Kel Evans and now their contribution to the defibrillator.
Well done and thank you for your efforts.