Purchase any 2 VB products during any origin game for your chance to win a collectors hat. A different colour for each game.
$5 schooner during all games for 2022
Drink wise drink responsibly!!

UFC 275 🤼♂️ locked & loaded on the big screen. Bar opens at 11am, kitchen 11.30am.
Members badge draw 12, 1 & 2pm
Raffles drawn at 2pm get your tickets at the bar.
Happy hour kicks of at 2-3pm

Its that time of year again to get the Winter woolies out.
Join us on Friday the 24th for a Winter Warmer raffle. Tickets available from the bar until 7pm.
Hit Parade are getting the party 🎉 started from 8 until late!!

Check out the entertainment line up….

Reap the rewards & join for free today. speak to one one our friendly team members for more information by calling us on 62 978888 or call In for a chat.