Pictured from left: Mitch Price, Stephen Camp, Toby Yeates, Adrian Pavese, Jack Jacobs and Jason Taylor.
Colts Attend Bulldogs Camp.
The Tigers Junior and Senior Organisations sponsored five players to attend the Western Bulldogs Academy last week as part of its development program. The players who attended the camp were Stephen Camp, Mitch Price, Toby Yeates, Jack Jacobs and Jason Taylor.
Also attending was the Tigers NEAFL Coach Adrian Pavese and the clubs Under 18 Grade assistant coach and match day assistant Peter Jensen.
Former Tigers senior grade player Brett Daniher (who is now the Western Bulldogs Player Development Manager) has been the catalyst behind having representatives of the Club attend the camp over the past two years – Brett being the elder brother of the Tigers Mitch Daniher.
The players enjoyed the experience having met many of the senior grade Bulldog players, visiting the new facilities of the AFL Club and attending various clinics organised by the club. Youngster Mitch Price won the beep test with a 15.6 result which wasn’t lost on many of the Bulldogs officials.