Hello Tigers Fans, please see below our current Preseason schedule (subject to change as we are still looking to add Rising Stars and Women's Reserve Grade games) as well as a "SAVE THE DATE" for our Major Club Functions for 2021.
The "Save the Dates" include the CDC Annual Long Luncheon when we welcome Matty Richardson and Cameron Mooney and our Annual Ian McNamee Corporate Golf Day!
Our Annual ActewAGL 100 Club Function is back in 2021 and is set for Saturday 15th August with times TBC. This event will also include our 1941 (celebration), 1991 1st Grade and 2011 Reserve Grade Premierships Reunions.
With last years 100 Club and 1940 (celebration), 2000 1st Grade & 1990, 2010 Reserve Grade Premiership Reunions cancelled in 2020 due to Covid, the club will attempt to include these reunions into this years function pending Covid Restrictions.
Lock in the dates and we hope to see you all at the Preseason games in March!
