An incredible effort by the Tigers Club last Saturday with approx. 65 volunteers fronting up to the footy ground to “spruce” up the amenities in preparation for the 2020 season.

Many of the Clubs tradies were in attendance and took control of various areas that needed some tender loving care along with a few repairs while a general clean-up around the facility also took place.
The Tigerettes were very active with the painting of their new change rooms under the guidance of Joan Vosnakes and Bec Carroll – Tape.
They also assisted with a general clean-up of all coaches, press and timekeeper areas, highlighting the stairs in the grandstand as well as providing “manpower” around the facility picking up rubbish
(The “new” change rooms are the previous visitors change rooms). The visitors will now be accommodated in new change rooms adjacent to the grandstand.
In preparation for Saturdays working bee, Darryl Taylor, Joan Vosnakes and Dave Vosnakes prepared the Tigerettes new room for painting earlier in the week.
The Tigerettes completed painting the room on Saturday. Some of the Tigerettes in attendance included: Chelsea Marlot, Julia Bedin, Amy Dwyer, Ash Jakim, Casey Plater, Hayley Rauter, Ella
Ross, Ellen Squire, Hannah Santolin, G Stephinson, Hannah Verri, Kate Woodward, MacKenzie Brown, Katrina Rolls, Caity Holloway, Caity Semmler, Emily Kerr and Susie Armistead.
Light fittings were replaced in the change rooms, canteen and growlers deck along with power-points upgraded or installed. Thanks to our sparkies – Alex Page, Justin Galloway, Wilson Morshead and Jed Simpson. Special mention to Jason Taylor whose spent many hours a few weeks ago upgrading the Growler Deck lighting with supplies proudly donated by Brooks Marchant.
A small army including the Kylie and Geoff Squire, Dean Simpson, Christian Palombi, Sam Robinson and Ben Thurling attended to the garden surrounds including hedges, lawns and whipper snipping of all areas plus a general clean-up of the Walk of Honour – all under the direction of Jack Carroll – Tape.
The area behind (and alongside) the Growlers Deck / Administration Building had a complete makeover with “old timers” Fred Gisik, Aaron Tape and Tim Stephinson leading youngsters Tyler
Collins, Tim Clowry, Jack Stephinson and Sam Frost to name a few.
Pergola / BBQ / Men’s Changerooms
These areas had a paint makeover / touch up with Toby Conroy, Mark Armstrong, Tom Stapleton, Ron Holden, Alec McCormick, Tim Shea, Brad Rauter, Sam Robinson, Alex Sergi and Jack Stepho providing the manpower.
Unseen for most of the working bee was Jono Bowyer, Wal Gisik and Marty Brown cleaning the leaves from the guttering of the grandstand roofing – a massive job well done.
Wet Areas Cleaned.
Gary Bullivant and Chrissey Craven spent the entire time cleaning the showers, toilets and canteen areas. They are spotless for the upcoming season. Massive thank you to both.
Also, a huge thank you to Karen Taylor and Jo Stephinson for their untiring work in the canteen with general cleaning and preparation of morning tea and lunch.

Supervisors and Veteran Volunteers.
Wally Thompson and Nick Vosnakes provided excellent guidance and supervision as the two senior volunteers of the day with the other senior Danny Webster once again providing a day full of memories with his excellent photography.
Retaining Wall Walkway
The recent flooding of the oval provided an enormous task to remove debris from around the retaining wall walkway. A task taken up by Steve Wightman, Kyle Bray, Luke Condon and Marty Brown.
Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council
During the morning, a group of Tigers also attended and assisted in setting up for Music by The River – Queanbeyan’s Premier Event in 2020.
Proud Day
The working bee certainly adds to the clubs already strong culture with many participants complimenting the impact of such a large gathering

– all working together for a common goal – that is:
“Providing a facility that can be enjoyed by everyone that enters the Tigers Home Ground whether current players, spectators or visiting teams and leaving the facility in better conditions for future generations”.
Thanks, and Appreciation
Chairman Ron Fowlie and General Manager Adrian Pavese thanked all concerned – in particular Dave and Steve Vosnakes, Darryl Taylor and Joan Vosnakes plus those who provided equipment and materials Josh Bryce, Scott Lovell, Tim Clowry and Brooks Marchant.
This is the second Saturday in a row, that many in attendance had given up with the previous weekend accommodating the players camp and reverse draw major fundraiser.
The time and effort afforded to both weekends are appreciated enormously.